Before Vs. After ( Math )

“students working on math puzzle ( angle) “

I always thought that math is hard, and yes! It is hard. Before I learn this new lesson, I don’t know how to calculate the discounts whenever i go to market. There is one time, i went to the supermarket and struggling to find the real amount of money. I am afraid to ask the seller, because they might think that I am dumb. Percentage is always my problem. Sometimes, when I go and survey people, I won’t be able to put those data into a percentage, so I have to go and ask a seniors for my friend who already know how to do it. The same thing in money tree class    ( we learn about how to use and save our money in a correct way ), after I collected my salary, I can not calculate the commission that I’ve got. That’s why i have to ask my teacher every time. I feel like, I am a young born child! However, the time have arrived, we are starting to learn percentage! Now, i can know the discount prices and the commission, so I can freely be on my own for shopping and calculate my own money management.

Another lesson is angle. I can learn a lot of new words for my math class,  so it would make more sense to communicate with our math teacher. Before i know how to measure angle and those new words, I always ask my teacher in a weird way. Which mean, i try to use another word  to describe what I meant, because i don’t know the actually word. However, I hope that she could understand me a lot better, through my vocabulary practice.

Stop giving money to beggars



“A beggar will always be a beggar even if they give him the whole world as a gift”-Persian Proverb.  

A beggar is a typical person who survives by asking for money. As the Persian Proverb states, the beggar will always beg even if you give him the whole world. Have you ever found yourself in a situation with a beggar? How did it make you feel? There are an average of 1000 people begging for money in each country of Southeast Asia. Some beggars are even from neighboring countries. Meanwhile, there are countries that have a lot of beggars problem and another country is not.  In some countries, it is even illegal. Have you ever wondered why? Take Russia as an example, most beggars are addicted to drugs. Another country as China and countries around the world, has at least one beggar who uses the money that they receive on alcohol and drugs. However, Japan and Singapore are not having this problem. Even though giving money to beggars is known as a charity for homeless people, we should ban these actions. If we keep giving money to beggars, crisis action will begin. This enables their potential, they will become more pitiful, and they will get more discrimination from people surrounding them.

Creativity are everywhere. We can use them when we practice every time.  However, if we don’t let a specific person do so, they will not have any new ideas to survive in their daily life. It does work the same compare to beggars. They sit and ask more money everyday. No one would want to hire them to do something, and that’s the reasons why they don’t have any potential and ideas. According to the BBC news from London-based homeless charity, on of the man said “Handing over money to beggars, can have fatal consequences”-Thames Reach. He stated this, because his observations are sure. Not only, beggars used the money on drug habits, but also the drug habits are really addicted to substances such as crack cocaine and heroin. Obviously, the situation are getting worse and worse because of this. It also bring death a lot in 2016 at London. Besides that, there is a good example that we all should do. Taking Jerry and Thames Reach as an example. Jerry used to be a beggars for a long time ago. Along with this,he had never felt so happy. Moreover, he always felt that he want to die, because he had no idea how to use the money in the right way. Other than this, he also used to be in a drug habit. Fortunately, he got help and support form Thames Reach, so he is out from the drug habit and clean from being a beggar. Absolutely, this action shows that helping them to have a better job is better than just keep giving them the money.

All of the people are the same, they will become pitiful once they always get what they want for no reasons. If we are not willing to solve this, we will just keep giving the currency that we find by our own to someone else. As the result, numbers of beggars are rising up unexpectedly by this reasons. However, it is kind and nice to give money to help people, but what if the person use the money into different ways. For instance, the BBC news says that the government of England had quoted, “For 2015 we found the number of rough sleepers on any one night in England has risen by almost 30% in the last year to 3, 569 beggars and homeless people” (pg. 1). This really show that once people always get the money to buy stuff they want by easy way, more of them will just come and try to spare for money. On the other hand, they might think that begging someone for their money is easy than go and find it by their own. Let’s look at my own experience. On 24 November during water festival, I have met a few young beggars. There are two of the them who came and ask me for money. One of them said “Can I have 100R please?” and the other one said “Can I have 500R please?”. Once I gave the money to those two boys, the other just come and do same thing to me. This really annoy me. However, I did give them something else. Guess what is is? I gave them some of the food that I bought from different stand that I’ve walked passed, so they can share with each other. Even so, they are still hungry tomorrow, but they get the food for today. They are kids, they can not just take the money and buy stuff by their own hand! Apart from this, let’s  imagine, if people give them food everyday, will they survive? Will they have chance to use the money for something else that are not useful? Absolutely not.

When one of the person have different living style from us, we always look at them differently. No matters, what the reason is. This, effect our social life. If there’s no one begging for money every day, then there will not be any discriminate against them. For instance, a beggar from BBC news in the 14 documentary stated “I feel people look down on me because of my situation” and “People have discriminated against me because of my situation.” – Jerry (p.2) .This statement is from one of the beggar that BBC had been interviewed. They got discriminate if people keep giving money to them. What if we start to give them opportunity. What if we start helping them to have a safer place to live. It is even better than just let them sit anywhere for money. In addition, people will just walk past them and make them feel bad for every situations that they meet. Obviously, discrimination means a lot to them. In the other hand, they also have heart, so if we want them to have more chances and stop being depressed, don’t give money to them, but do give something else.


As a conclusion, giving money to beggars should be ban are not a bad idea. This is not mean to make them or hungry or anything, but we are trying to make the community more organized. Here are some of the ways you can do to help practicing this action

  • Give the beggars food, water or clothes instead of money
  • Donate money to the beggars organization, so they could help to take care the beggar in the right way ( including the disability beggars and normal people)
  • Hire them to do something that they can do

I would feel very happy and grateful if we all do these above. I’m sure we can do it.


“ article, what should we shouldn’t give money to beggars. By cherry welson. BBC news. Publish date 28 september 2017”


“ Article 3 for the discriminations. Published online 2015 Jun melissa johnstone.”

Prasad Saravate from Quora about the drug problems in introductions”



Carbon is virtually important molecule in carbon cycle. It helps to create a lot of things that we need in order to survive such as, protein, fats, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates. There are approximately 0.04% of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. It is a big number right?, compare to whole amount of people in the universe. I don’t know this before, it was quite interesting to me. When I started learning this lesson, I know that carbon are also present in ocean and freshwater as by dissolved carbon dioxide. One interesting thing is that, carbon is also present in the limestone! ( CaCo3). I used think that carbon are really bad for our environment, don’t you? In fact, it helps a lot. Carbon helps the tree do photosynthesis. When trees do photosynthesis, we all can have oxygen which is one of the thing that we must have so, when ever the sun comes out, the plants and trees will do the photosynthesis. Do you the process of photosynthesis? Well, they always absorb carbon in the day time and release it at the night time. However, have you ever imagine our life without carbon? I thought it would be good if it extinct, but sadly it was not what i thought. When they extinct, these are the disadvantages.

  • Not enough carbon to do photosynthesis
  • A lot of dead stuff, so smell not good
  • No oxygen/ no photosynthesis
  • More waste are building up
  • You could have disease

For loops

Last term, We have studied about some of the basic, so this round we are starting into the first lessons. We learn for loops. we use it to print out data like names, and inputs. we mostly make some of the practices in the class. it was hard for the first time, but after I practice it, things get easier. I really like how to was teach, because I could know more how to create more functions for another project that i would need in the future. Technovation is one of the biggest project that I have join, so I might use python or codding rule for coding my application. I thought coding actually really useful, because it helps my brain to think critically. 

here is the example

  • if statements
  • Else if statements
  • continue statements
  • loops
  • ( we also learn more, but I missed the class for other project )

basically, these are the work that i have done

L = “letter”

Fruites = [‘apple’, ‘bannana’]

For x in fruites:

If x == “banana”:


Print (x) ( it will not print your value because the word ” break ” mean to stop all the code )

Fruite [ ‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘cherry’ ]

For x in fruits:

If x == “banana”:


Print (x) ( it will print out apple and cherry, because the word ” continue ” is to skips  a value. 

so, this is it! basically, it is to print out data or values that we are given in some points. However, some of them are really complicated, that is why it need a lot of determination. I first, kind of stress out a bit for the lesson, but that’s life. I got to ask my coding teacher clear detail of what I don’t understand, so that I could remember all of the steps and rules. 

Advice from movies

In this round, we have been working on meaning of movies and Khmer theories. There are two of the movies that we had watched. Those are the educational movies and meaningful. After we watch, we summarized and Identify the advices that the movies had teach us. Each of the characters have their own teaching style. One of the recent movie is, Pailen rose ( កុលាបប៉ៃលិន ). We have identify the advice from the characters. Example, for the the main character, they teach us to be polite, helpful, friendly and work hard. Once we finish our movie, we had a reading contest. This was lead by our facilitator. We read Pailin rose stories and we divided the role as we want for the characters. The next day, we had reading contest for our khmer point, so everyone will just choose a book that they would like to read for their facilitator. I chose a khmer book called “ ព្រះវេសន្ត”. There are so many khmer vocabulary for me, so I need to write those down and check all of its meaning in Choun Nath dictionary after all. Beside, these activities, we  sometimes go back to our poem and correct the words carefully for the book. By the way, this round still a great round though. I would prefer doing these other than going to summarize so many things from the article.

These are the characters advice that they had teach us:


  • ខិតខំធ្វើការ
  • បន្ទាបខ្លួន
  • មិនធ្វើខ្លួនក្រអឺត​ក្រទម
  • ឧស្សាហ៍ព្យាយាម
  • ជួយយកអសារអ្នកដ៏ទៃ ដោយមិនគិតជានណារក្តី
  • ដឹងគុណអ្នកជុំវិញខ្លួន
  • មិនល្មើសសិទ្ធនារី
  • មិននិយាយខ្លាំងៗ ឬ​ មិនគួរសមទៅអ្នកដ៏ទៃ
  • ស្មោះត្រង់
  • អត់ធន់


  • ចិត្តល្អ
  • មិនឈ្នានីស
  • យកអលារអ្នកដ៏ទៃ
  • មិនរើសអើង
  • ជួយធ្វើការ
  • ជួយធុរៈ
  • ទន់ភ្លន់
  • មិនបៀតបៀនអ្នកជុំវិញខ្លួន ឬ អ្នកធ្វើបាបនាង


  • យកតែរួចខ្លួន
  • កុំយករបស់អ្នកដទៃ
  • កុំប្រព្រឹត្រ្តិអំពើខុសច្បាប់
  • កុំរើសអើងគេ
  • កុំយកតែមុខ
  • កុំរិកពេក
  • កុំមើលងាយគេពេក
  • កុំមើលងាយអ្នកក្រ
  • កុំជាព្រាននារី


  • មិនរើសអើងអ្នកក្រ
  • ប្រណៃអ្នកទីទល់
  • ចេះបែងចែកខុសត្រូវ
  • មិនប្រកាន់វណ្ណះ
  • មិនកាន់ជើងអ្នកមាន
  • ចែកចំលែកគំនិតទៅអញនកដ៏ទៃ
  • មិនធ្វើបានកម្មករ
  • ចេះអត់ធន់
  • ចេះស្វាគមន៍

Chemical bonding

A large topic in this term that I’ve learned is about chemical bonding. Chemical bonding are so important for the elements to be stable for creating new matters. There are three types of chemical bonding. They are considered as, covalent bonding, ionic bonding and metallic bonding.

Covalent bond. Covalent bond occurs when two of the nonmetal elements share electrons equally to be stable. There are three types of covalent bond which are single bond, double bond and triple bond. Single bond only share one electron  each. As an example of Hydrogen and Hydrogen. They both share one electron to have 2 complete inner shell electron. The double bond, they share two electron each. As an example of Oxygen and Oxygen. They each need to share 2 of their electron to have full shell as 8. The last bond is triple bond. It occurs when 2 elements need to share 3 electrons each. As an example of Nitrogen and Nitrogen. They both need to share 3 electrons to have full shell as 7. All of the three types of bond, are called Non Polar covalent bond.  In another case, if there are two different element wanted to share their electron, the one that have more amount will get more electron. This is called a Polar Covalent bond. One fact about about Covalent bonding is, it stronger than ionic bonding!

Ionic bonding is when a metal element transform the electrons to a non metal element. There is two names for ion. They are cation and anion. The cation is when an element gives out its electron so they can get more protons and be stable. Anion is when an element receive electron from cation and then they can have stable negative charge.

Metallic bonding is when the element that are metal attract with the same metal element and then form a stronger metal that are hard to be rusted. This means, the things that form by metallic bonding, is not easy to be rusted or break. On example is steel. Steel is very strong and not rusted easier, because it form from metallic bonding.

this some of the highlights from this round

Fractions and geomentry

Math one of an important subject that we need to learn. I’ve learned so much from this term. Fractions and geometry are the lessons that we currently working on.  This what I remember from those lessons.

To multiply fraction with fraction, we multiply its numerator with numerator and denominator with denominator. If we want to multiply fraction with whole number, we just take the whole number and multiply it by the numerator, then we will get the answer. To divide fractions, we need to remember a phrase called “ flip and multiple” those means we have to flip the second fraction and then do the multiplication as normal. If we want to divide it with whole number, just take the whole number and then multiply it with they denominator, we will get the answer. For both multiply and divide, if it is the mixed number, we need to convert it to improper fraction first and then do the math as above. One thing that we really need to remember for the fraction is that, all of the answer that we got from they divide or multiplications are required to be in simplest form.


Geometry. To find the area of a triangle, we need to take base multiply with height and then divide it by 2. For the rectangle, to find the area, we need to take height times with base and then we will get the answer. To find the perimeter of the rectangle, we need to take length add with width and then times two.  

Triangle = ( H X B ) divide 2 = Area

Rectangle = H X B = Area

      = ( H + B ) X 2 = perimeter



photography is my favorite activity to do in my free time. luckily, this round I have the opportunity to learn about it. here are some of they really easy tips that I will need to know in order to do have my good photos. I need to use three different type of exposure that camera will use to have the good quality, such as Shutter speed, aperture, and ISO.

Shutter speed. shutter speed is how long would I want the light to get in into my camera. The larger the number is, the less amount of light will come in. if I put smaller amount of the number, I will get more light for the photos. Example, 1/20 vs 1/2000. I would get more light if I use the number 1/20, and I will get darker photos if I use 1/2000 because it is faster of getting the light in. it just like our eyes. If we open our eyes longer, we will see more light. If we open our eyes for 1 sec and close it back, there will be little bit of light we see.

Aperture. Aperture is the size of the camera’s lens that are open. The just the same as shutter speed. The smaller the number that I use, the more blurry background my photos have. Example,  F 1.4 have wider open, so it will give me more blurry background in my photos. If i put the number to F 14, my photo will be completely focus on everything that we want to capture clearly.

ISO. ISO is how sensitive is the camera to the light. This is easy. The higher number of ISO that we put, we will have more noise and grain in our photo. Using smaller amount of number, the photo will get clear. However, ISO also help for the brightness of the photos, so be mindful for that, I will need to have the right amount of ISO for each picture I take. 800 – 1000 is one of the common number that is right for most of the situations.

“using lower shutter speed”
“using higher shutter speed”
” using lower aperture “
” using higher aperture “
highlight @Vuochnea
highlight @kuy_chan + @chornson